By Sheena Myles

Five, four, three, two, one — Happy New Year! Very soon, we will count down to 2021 — and what a welcome it will receive. We’ve sent many bat signals awaiting its arrival, and it’s nearly here. Finally, we can live again and no longer be in a vegetative state of disgust, dismay, distrust, and distance. This will be the year of reconciliation. At last, we will be able to relax, relate, and release. We shall recover and heal — or so we hope. 

As I gather my notepad and planner and frantically search for a writing utensil, I can feel the anxiety build. Sweat starts to form just above my brow and on my hands. I can feel myself shiver and shake as I prepare to post my resolutions. What is there to resolve? How can I improve on what I was supposed to have done for the last nine months when I was mandated to be alone with me? 

I can promise to exercise more often, attend religious services, travel more, or save money. However, this year should be different. I have learned enough to know that I will not be doing these things. Why? Because I didn’t do them when I had time, and I didn’t do them when I didn’t have time. I’m really disinterested in all of the New Year’s holiday hoopla. After 2020, I need recovery! 

I plan to rejuvenate. Let me remember to slow down daily. I overheard people talking about self-care in 2020. Maybe I can try some of that — who knows? The one thing I’m sure of is that 2021 absolutely will not hold me hostage. 

Let’s be honest, 2020 was the equivalent of driving a muddy car with the windshield acting as your only window to the world. The windshield may have muddy streaks, but it let the sunshine and moonlight in. 

I want a different type of dirty, the kind that becomes the glue that holds my foundational bricks of elevation and progress together. I want to be so dirty that my dreams know they can grow safely in my new self-preservation garden. For 2021, I will not dry out and wilt away. I will choose to live. Every raindrop that hits my face will water my soul. Every breeze will blow my mind. Every ray of sunshine will brighten my day. 

I don’t need resolutions; I need purpose. 2021, you are old enough to eat, drink, and be merry. You won’t have to do it alone; I’ll be your plus one.

Sheena Myles is the owner of Better Together Life Services, Beehive Holistic Soul, and Fluorescent Creative Consulting, as well as an on-air personality at Rejoice AM 1190 and JZ 94.5 FM. Reach her at (228) 238-7040 or at 

Photo by Olya Kobruseva from Pexels