The Dangers of Obsessive Worrying About Your Child’s Future

The Dangers of Obsessive Worrying About Your Child’s Future

A baby is born, and suddenly, parents are responsible for keeping this precious human alive. Anxiety is a common aspect of caregiving during infancy because it is adaptive. Worrying keeps parents vigilant for potential danger and focused on the baby’s needs. Appropriate parental attentiveness also promotes a secure parent-child relationship in the early years.

College Bound – Resources for Students

College Bound – Resources for Students

Going to college presents a huge shift in daily life and responsibilities for students. Navigating this change can be challenging, but there are plenty of resources to help on-campus. This is the first time many students have complete control over what to eat, their schedules, and how to spend their time–feeling overwhelmed is normal. How can students prepare and parents help out?

Exploring New Orleans As A Tourist

Exploring New Orleans As A Tourist

School is over for now, and it looks like we’re returning to some semblance of normalcy. How can you take advantage of the weeks you’ll have with the kids at home, and have some fun, relax, and unwind from a stressful year?  

In Remembrance of Women’s Freedom

In Remembrance of Women’s Freedom

Women have come a long way in the past hundred years. So, this March, in recognition of Women’s History Month, we celebrate women’s liberation by remembering the accomplishments of some of history’s most dedicated and resilient women.