Protecting the most vulnerable
Sometimes, she rejoices. Other times, she grieves. Either way, she prays — asking God for the wisdom and discernment to protect his most innocent.
Sometimes, she rejoices. Other times, she grieves. Either way, she prays — asking God for the wisdom and discernment to protect his most innocent.
In general, Mississippi’s statistics on marriage and divorce mirrors the nation’s average. Almost 50 percent of those who marry will divorce. What I find interesting, however, is that of the majority who get divorced, 80 percent go on to marry again for a second or third time. However, living in blended families means dying in them, too.
On average, Medicare covers about half of the healthcare charges for those enrolled, with the remaining costs either paid out of the individual’s pocket or with supplemental insurance — sometimes called Medigap policies. While campaigning, most politicians have promised to “not cut Medicare.” There are many ways, however, that these politicians may alter Medicare’s guaranteed benefits while arguing that they have not “cut” Medicare. One such way is by altering the Medicare plans that are available.
I am please to announce the formation of AL-MS Coastal Law, LLC and would like to invite you to an OPEN HOUSE Thursday, October 2, 2014 from 4:30 – 6:30 p.m. 1115 B Cowan Road, Gulfport, MS 39507